Why can’t I see the rental income estimate for an on-market property?

Rental income estimates are a key point of interest for consumers researching property information, and where possible, property.com.au will display the estimate for every property.  

Where property.com.au has identified that we do not have sufficient information about the property or sufficient data on comparable properties to provide a rental income estimate, there will be no value displayed.  

Where the property is on the market and the available data generates a ‘Low Confidence’ valuation, we remove the estimated values from the property page for the duration of the sale campaign. 

To obtain an accurate representation of the market, it is best to seek an appraisal from a local real estate agent. You can connect to a local agent by following the below link:

For information on estimate rental income ranges and how this data is sourced, please have a read of this help article.

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